Generation of Mechanics in Naval and Static Engines is a training and selecting programme with two main objectives:

–    To prepare specialized mechanics on marine and static diesel engines
–    To know and select those students that could be our future employees or awake the interest from other Companies.

The sectors hit by the current economic and social situation are the young and unemployed people in Cartagena as well as in the Region of Murcia and all Spain.

Naval, Assembly and Maintenance industrial sectors have a lack of high-skilled professionals. Mecánicas Bolea initiative is part of an internal Strategic Plan to develop professionals that can fit the employment opportunities of today and the near future.
The objective of training was reached after theoretical and practical classes, the 100 % employment of all of the attendees was reached after 120 hours of practices in our Company, most of the 60% in our different divisions, and 40% in other Companies in the Cartagena area.

Wich are the benefits?

–  Specialized training adapted to business needs.
–  Practical approach in the training sessions.
–  Increase of employability of young unemployed people.
–  Companies could hire highly qualified technicians.

For further information, Eladio Valcárcel Sánchez, Managing Director| Mecánicas Bolea Group